June 2023
Yes, we missed our May report, however, all is well with Limapela, and we are grateful for your continuing support, interest and prayers.
We welcomed Judy and Mike Maguire and Donald Cheesman from New Zealand for our 13th Anniversary celebrations in May. Mike and Judy have written about their visit.
—Matthew and Alison Raymond

Judy and I visited Limapela in May to participate in the 13th Anniversary of Limapela taking over Cedric’s School, and also the 10th anniversary of Limapela taking over the day-to-day management of the Luyando Community School. We were accompanied by our friend Donald Cheesman who is a trustee of the NZ Limapela Foundation.
We visited the school about ten years ago and we can favourably report on the school’s progress. I think we overestimate what we can do in two years but underestimate what we can do in ten years and God has really worked wonders at the schools in that time.

The celebrations at each school followed a similar pattern with wonderful items from different classes and cultural groups, welcomes and prayers. At the Limapela Cedric’s School we also had items from the Kafakumba Singers, a choir formed from children and teenagers from the Kafakumba area close to where Matthew and Alison live and go to church (about 25 km from each school). A highlight at the Luyando school was when the VIP’s (that was us) were drawn in to participate in the dancing.
We found the schools to be in good heart and each time we went on to the school sites we left REALLY encouraged. While there are plenty more opportunities for development at each school the progress has been tremendous in the last ten years. One of the objectives of the NZ Board of Trustees (represented by Donald and Judy) in our visit to Zambia was to ensure that they had confidence in the Zambian Board. We meet this Board informally at the Celebrations, and then at a meeting over lunch. The Zambian Board is made up of two Zambians, Pastor Robert Kilembo and Mrs Prudence Muchimba, a school accountant and Matthew. They gave us great confidence in their commitment to Limapela and in their skill-set. The NZ Trustees will make efforts to meet with them virtually in the months ahead. We also met all senior staff at each school, Martha Mbewe and Franchessca Mumba (the two Head Teachers), and Margarita Kabwita, the Limapela Administrator.
We have confidence that the schools are in really good heart. We also visited Matthew and Alison’s Church and spent a few days at Nsobe Camp where there is another rural communnity school run by good friends of Matthew and Alison, and it was an interesting contrast.
Mike & Judy Maguire, Auckland