The Limapela Foundation

Quality education for Zambia based on Christian values

September 2022

Losing a total of 9 teachers from both schools (nearly a third of our teaching staff) to Government appointments this month seemed like a catastrophe. But happily this upheaval coincided with the school holidays, and in the event we were flooded with applications. So our head teachers Martha Mbewe and Frankie Mumba have been able to fill all the vacancies, and we should be able to open with a full complement on 5 September.

Limapela Cedric’s staff barbecue and farewell to leaving teachers

Ceramic floor tiling is in progress at Luyando during the holidays, hopefully to be completed before the children arrive back for lessons. They are going to be very excited.

The Kafakumba Singers are looking forward to their trip to Chengelo School in Mkushi over the weekend of 10 September. Chengelo is one of Zambia’s top private schools where pupils from many privileged homes are enrolled, so it is always interesting to see their interaction with our singers, who are from poor homes in lowly Fisenge and Baluba. The choir will present a programme of up to 17 songs — quite an achievement considering that 12 of the singers were new to the choir this year.

New paths and landscaping

During the school holidays Alison and I enjoyed a very restful week away, visiting old friends at Sachibondu and Nyangombe in the remote North-Western Province. We were encouraged to see the Lunga Children’s Trust Project in action under the loving care of Ross and Mel Ferguson. They have 15 orphaned children in their home under the age of seven.

Morning assembly


We are now actively seeking a long-term expatriate Liaison Management Volunteer to coordinate between the New Zealand Foundation and Limapela Development projects in Zambia. Such a person, or couple, would need to embrace the Limapela vision and would provide the accountability bridge between donors and the Zambian project recipients. Identifying a suitable volunteer for this role will be an answer to our prayers, allowing Alison and me to reduce our involvement and retire. Contact us for further details.

Our Limapela Anniversary Celebrations will be held on Saturday 13 May 2023. The 10th Anniversary, scheduled for 2020, was postponed because of COVID-19. Do let us know if you are interested in attending. Alison and I expect to be in New Zealand over the summer — Alison arriving on 19 September and myself on 16 November.

Once again, our grateful thanks to you all for your interest, support and prayers.

— Alison and Matthew Raymond