The Limapela Foundation

Quality education for Zambia based on Christian values

1 February 2014

We wish you blessings in this new year of 2014, and thank you for your interest, prayers and support. Alison and I managed two weeks up in Tanzania to spend Christmas with family members there. The rest, relaxation and family reunion were very welcome, as was the opportunity to compare development in the Arusha area with what we know in Zambia. Irrigation cooperatives were impressive, and reminded us that community development requires a significant level of trust. ‘No man is an island’ (John Donne). I believe one of the reasons that development in Africa has been slow is because people are not able to trust one another well enough, whether they be farmers, business people or politicians. Trust is a Christian value that Limapela seeks to embrace and promote.

Freshly painted school building
Freshly painted primary building at Limapela Cedric’s School


Limapela Cedric’s School. We have had a smooth start to the academic year. A pleasing 53% of our Grade 9 pupils passed their National Grade 9 exams — a big improvement on last year’s results — and will go on to secondary schools elsewhere. More classrooms and specialist rooms will be needed for the expansion of our grades 8 and 9 to make that department more cost effective.

Luyando Community School has opened with a roll of 337. Their first Grade 7 was last year, so their very good pass rate was especially pleasing. Give Hope International needs more sponsors for the Luyando pupils, so if you would like to commit to this please contact Caroline Zuch or visit the Give Hope website.


Profits from the chicken project are now contributing significantly to school running costs at Limapela Cedric’s. Our first bananas are now being harvested. Profits from bananas will go towards teachers’ salaries, in accordance with the wishes of the donor who provided the initial setup capital. We plan to expand both of these projects.

It is good now to have an income from agri-business. But school-related costs continue to increase. Limapela Development has been committed from the outset to improving packages for our teachers as well as resources and equipment for the pupils. So please continue to support us!

Building Projects

Work has started at last on the Toilet–Ablution Block at Limapela Cedric’s. We are grateful to Girder Civil Engineering Contractors for taking on this contract with the Rotary Club of Kitwe. Our own builders have started again on the Library–Information Technology Building. Only US$5,000 of the total of US$65,000 is still required for this project. Please contact us if you would like to contribute. The Office–Guest Room building at Baluba is just about ready for occupation.

Volunteers and Visitors

We are looking forward to having teacher Gemma Stewart with us again this year. Veteran volunteer Thomas Duxfield plans to return mid-year for three months with his father Bob, who is a builder. This will be Thomas’s third visit. Others have expressed interest in visiting for shorter or longer periods. I often say that Africa changes you for life. Whether or not this is true, all our visitors seem to be profoundly affected by their first-hand experiences, and all have been able to contribute in some way to the lives of the less privileged during their stay.

—Matthew F. Raymond, Trustee